The Plaster Room
This website is for patients and their friends and family to better understand the recovery process once a plaster has been fitted.
It provides clinical guidance, helpful tips and exercise demonstrations.

This website is for patients and their friends and family to better understand the recovery process once a plaster has been fitted.
It provides clinical guidance, helpful tips and exercise demonstrations.
After using the same paper based advice for many years we were seeing a pattern of patients either not understanding or not reading the information on the leaflets. This resulted in patients having to seek help or attend hospital for issues that were easily preventable. We want to help you to recover well.
We decided to look into how we could change this and did some research into possible solutions. In these digital times, we hoped that by providing a way of getting the information you need about your plaster straight to your mobile phone this could help. You can access this 24/7. No more bits of paper getting lost.
With so much advice out there online, we wanted to create the content you will find here ourselves. So you know you can trust the information coming from our expert plaster technicians, nurses and doctors here in the Orthopaedic team at the NHS Bradford Hospital Trust. We are here for you.
Ben, Charlene and the Team
If you have had your plaster fitted here with us at Bradford Teaching Hospital you will have met some of our highly trained medical staff.